This notebook originally appeared as a post on the blog Pythonic Perambulations. The content is BSD licensed. It has been adapted to use HoloViews by Philipp Rudiger.
This week I started seeing references all over the internet to this paper: The Hipster Effect: When Anticonformists All Look The Same. It essentially describes a simple mathematical model which models conformity and non-conformity among a mutually interacting population, and finds some interesting results: namely, conformity among a population of self-conscious non-conformists is similar to a phase transition in a time-delayed thermodynamic system. In other words, with enough hipsters around responding to delayed fashion trends, a plethora of facial hair and fixed gear bikes is a natural result.
Also naturally, upon reading the paper I wanted to try to reproduce the work. The paper solves the problem analytically for a continuous system and shows the precise values of certain phase transitions within the long-term limit of the postulated system. Though such theoretical derivations are useful, I often find it more intuitive to simulate systems like this in a more approximate manner to gain hands-on understanding.
We'll start by defining the problem, and going through the notation suggested in the paper. We'll consider a group of $N$ people, and define the following quantities:
The idea of the model is this: on any given day, person $i$ looks at the world around him or her, and sees some previous day's version of everyone else. This information is $s_j(t - \tau_{ij})$.
The amount that person $j$ influences person $i$ is given by the influence matrix, $J_{ij}$, and after putting all the information together, we see that person $i$'s mean impression of the world's style is
$$ m_i(t) = \frac{1}{N} \sum_j J_{ij} \cdot s_j(t - \tau_{ij}) $$Given the problem setup, we can quickly check whether this impression matches their own current style:
A hipster who notices that their style matches that of the world around them will risk giving up all their hipster cred if they don't change quickly; a conformist will have the opposite reaction. Because $\epsilon_i$ = $+1$ for a hipster and $-1$ for a conformist, we can encode this observation in a single value which tells us what which way the person will lean that day:
$$ x_i(t) = -\epsilon_i m_i(t) s_i(t) $$Simple! If $x_i(t) > 0$, then person $i$ will more likely switch their style that day, and if $x_i(t) < 0$, person $i$ will more likely maintain the same style as the previous day. So we have a formula for how to update each person's style based on their preferences, their influences, and the world around them.
But the world is a noisy place. Each person might have other things going on that day, so instead of using this value directly, we can turn it in to a probabilistic statement. Consider the function
$$ \phi(x;\beta) = \frac{1 + \tanh(\beta \cdot x)}{2} $$We can plot this function quickly:
import numpy as np
import holoviews as hv
hv.notebook_extension(bokeh=True, width=90)
%%output backend='matplotlib'
%%opts NdOverlay [aspect=1.5 figure_size=200 legend_position='top_left']
x = np.linspace(-1, 1, 1000)
curves = hv.NdOverlay(key_dimensions=['$\\beta$'])
for beta in [0.1, 0.5, 1, 5]:
curves[beta] = hv.Curve(zip(x, 0.5 * (1 + np.tanh(beta * x))), kdims=['$x$'],
This gives us a nice way to move from our preference $x_i$ to a probability of switching styles. Here $\beta$ is inversely related to noise. For large $\beta$, the noise is small and we basically map $x > 0$ to a 100% probability of switching, and $x<0$ to a 0% probability of switching. As $\beta$ gets smaller, the probabilities get less and less distinct.
Let's see this model in action. We'll start by defining a class which implements everything we've gone through above:
class HipsterStep(object):
"""Class to implement hipster evolution
initial_style : length-N array
values > 0 indicate one style, while values <= 0 indicate the other.
is_hipster : length-N array
True or False, indicating whether each person is a hipster
influence_matrix : N x N array
Array of non-negative values. influence_matrix[i, j] indicates
how much influence person j has on person i
delay_matrix : N x N array
Array of positive integers. delay_matrix[i, j] indicates the
number of days delay between person j's influence on person i.
def __init__(self, initial_style, is_hipster,
influence_matrix, delay_matrix,
beta=1, rseed=None):
self.initial_style = initial_style
self.is_hipster = is_hipster
self.influence_matrix = influence_matrix
self.delay_matrix = delay_matrix
self.rng = np.random.RandomState(rseed)
self.beta = beta
# make s array consisting of -1 and 1
self.s = -1 + 2 * (np.atleast_2d(initial_style) > 0)
N = self.s.shape[1]
# make eps array consisting of -1 and 1
self.eps = -1 + 2 * (np.asarray(is_hipster) > 0)
# create influence_matrix and delay_matrix
self.J = np.asarray(influence_matrix, dtype=float)
self.tau = np.asarray(delay_matrix, dtype=int)
# validate all the inputs
assert self.s.ndim == 2
assert self.s.shape[1] == N
assert self.eps.shape == (N,)
assert self.J.shape == (N, N)
assert np.all(self.J >= 0)
assert np.all(self.tau > 0)
def phi(x, beta):
return 0.5 * (1 + np.tanh(beta * x))
def step_once(self):
N = self.s.shape[1]
# iref[i, j] gives the index for the j^th individual's
# time-delayed influence on the i^th individual
iref = np.maximum(0, self.s.shape[0] - self.tau)
# sref[i, j] gives the previous state of the j^th individual
# which affects the current state of the i^th individual
sref = self.s[iref, np.arange(N)]
# m[i] is the mean of weighted influences of other individuals
m = (self.J * sref).sum(1) / self.J.sum(1)
# From m, we use the sigmoid function to compute a transition probability
transition_prob = self.phi(-self.eps * m * self.s[-1], beta=self.beta)
# Now choose steps stochastically based on this probability
new_s = np.where(transition_prob > self.rng.rand(N), -1, 1) * self.s[-1]
# Add this to the results, and return
self.s = np.vstack([self.s, new_s])
return self.s
def step(self, N):
for i in range(N):
return self.s
Now we'll create a function which will return an instance of the HipsterStep class with the appropriate settings:
def get_sim(Npeople=500, hipster_frac=0.8, initial_state_frac=0.5, delay=20, log10_beta=0.5, rseed=42):
rng = np.random.RandomState(rseed)
initial_state = (rng.rand(1, Npeople) > initial_state_frac)
is_hipster = (rng.rand(Npeople) > hipster_frac)
influence_matrix = abs(rng.randn(Npeople, Npeople))
influence_matrix.flat[::Npeople + 1] = 0
delay_matrix = 1 + rng.poisson(delay, size=(Npeople, Npeople))
return HipsterStep(initial_state, is_hipster, influence_matrix, delay_matrix=delay_matrix,
beta=10 ** log10_beta, rseed=rseed)
Now that we've defined the simulation, we can start exploring this data. I'll quickly demonstrate how to advance simulation time and get the results.
First we initialize the model with a certain fraction of hipsters:
sim = get_sim(hipster_frac=0.8)
To run the simulation a number of steps we execute sim.step(Nsteps)
giving us a matrix of identities for each invidual at each timestep.
result = sim.step(200)
Now we can simply go right ahead and visualize this data using an Image Element type, defining the dimensions and bounds of the space.
%%opts Image [width=600]
hv.Image(result.T, bounds=(0, 0, 100, 500),
kdims=['Time', 'individual'], vdims=['State'])
Now that you know how to run the simulation and access the data have a go at exploring the effects of different parameters on the population dynamics or apply some custom analyses to this data. Here are two quick examples of what you can do:
%%opts Curve [width=350] Image [width=350]
hipster_frac = hv.HoloMap(kdims=['Hipster Fraction'])
for i in np.linspace(0.1, 1, 10):
sim = get_sim(hipster_frac=i)
hipster_frac[i] = hv.Image(sim.step(200).T, (0, 0, 500, 500), group='Population Dynamics',
kdims=['Time', 'individual'], vdims=['Bearded'])
(hipster_frac + hipster_frac.reduce(individual=np.mean).to.curve('Time', 'Bearded'))
%%opts Overlay [width=600] Curve (color='black')
aggregated = hipster_frac.table().aggregate(['Time', 'Hipster Fraction'], np.mean, np.std)'Time') *'Time')
What intuitions can you develop about this system? How do the different parameters affect it?